1ο Γενικό Λύκειο
GREECE: 1st General Lyceum of Ilion, Athens
Our school is located in Ilion, a suburb in western Athens. The 1st General Lyceum of Ilion was founded on June 30,1962. 28 teachers are teaching all the subjects of general knowledge .280 students are attending the lessons. The school today is exposed to social and economic contradictions and at the same time face new problems with contradictory and incompatible demands.
The staff consists of permanent teachers, so the school year begins without major shortcomings and problems. All teachers have many years of experience in education. The teachers organize and participate in educational and self-training courses seeking to integrate their respective conclusions on their teaching experimentation. There is one teacher with a doctorate, three teachers with a master's degree and several teachers with trainings organized by the Ministry of Education, the European Union and private educational institutions.
We are going through a difficult period. But our school faces with positive thinking and optimism the future of our students. Our school is a place of expression. A place of new ideas and innovative activities. All our students are equal and alike, without separation trace of nationality or religious beliefs.
The School by the spring semester of 2013 collaborates with the School of Philosophy of Athens University participating, in mentoring programs connecting Universities to secondary education.
Our school is participating in European programs, Erasmus + KA1,Erasmus+ KA2 , and eTwinning.
Also this year our school is selected to participate in robotics programs organized by the Greek Ministry of Education and will participate in the greek robotics school contest.
The period 2014-2016 for the first time we participated in an erasmus + KA2 program Strategic Partnership schools entitled: "Preparing for life in the 21st century" with the participation of six countries: Greece, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Italy and Spain . The period 2017-2019 we particiate im a new Erasmus+ KA2 program entitled:”3ducate through cultural voyages” were we design a 3d game using unity based on our cultural heritage.
During the period 2017-20184 teachers participated in a KA1 erasmus + projects in Robotics and portable devised as educational tools.
We were driven to the creation of a school open to innovation, both in national and European level actions and we made our presence visible in educational developments.
At the same time, our school is distinguished for his appeal to the culture and social sensibility. Solidarity actions and social work is part of the "adoption" of a young child from the Greek SOS villages.
Our effort is daily and laborious to create the conditions that will lay a solid foundation for the future of our students, for their spiritual, moral and physical development. We encourage them and reward them for their cognitive, artistic and sporting skills.
We aim at a school more effective both in its internal operations, acquire the required knowledge, development of skills, cultivation of new attitudes and values, and external functions that help students for a smooth transition to the workplace, in society that will be more productive and competitive.
In our school there are organized: library with five computers and a projector, computer lab with 12 computers and a projector,, science lab with a computer and projector, biology-chemistry lab with a projector, a projection room where classes are held in an interactive table. We also have 10 tablets and a virtual reality system by oculus rift.
We want to utilize all the classrooms and laboratories for the development of a strong school environment able to contribute to the harmonious integration of the student in the information society while nurturing the identity of the European citizen.
Our school is open to changes in order to help students participate actively and critically in a complex and dynamic society.