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SPAIN-IES Trassierra-Córdoba

The Institute of Higher Education "Trassierra" is located in Córdoba, a town in Andalusia, southern Spain, and the capital of the province of Córdoba.

Córdoba is a town of about 325,000 inhabitants which is full of history: it was a Roman settlement, taken over by the Visigoths, followed by the Umayyad Caliphate, it became the capital of a Muslim emirate, and then the Caliphate of Córdoba. It became a centre of education and learning, and by the 10th century had grown to possibly the largest city in Europe. Today, Córdoba is still home to many notable pieces of Moorish arquitecture such as the Mezquita, which was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The UNESCO status was expanded to encompass the whole historic center of Córdoba.

IES Trassierra is a public high school dependent on Andalucía government. It was inaugurated in September 1983 as a Vocational Training center.

The school has about 1200 students and 88 teachers. The teaching is carried out in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachelor from Monday to Friday, in time morning, from 8:15 to 14:45 with a break from 11.15 to 11.45.

Nowadays, in our center we offer the following lessons:

  • Daytime schedule and classroom learning.

    • Compulsory Secondary Education.

    • Basic Vocational Training Administrative Services

    • Bachelor of Arts.Bachelor of Science / Science and Technology.Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences.

    • Intermediate Degree Stage Administrative Management.

    • Higher Degree in Administration and Finance.

    • Higher Degree in Web Application Development.

  • Night schedule and audited learning.

    • Compulsory Secondary Education for Adult People (ESPA)

    • Bachelor of Science / Science and Technology.

    • Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences.

    • Higher Degree in Administration and Finance.

    • Higher Degree inWeb Application Development.

    • Higher Degree in Multi-Platform Application Development.

We are involved in many school projects such us ICT Centre, Equality plan between men and women, School: a peaceful space project, Young way, ERASMUS+, Bilingual project, PROA (programme for academic help), Family school, etc.

Acoording to the Erasmus+ projects, we have previously coordinate a KA219 project partnership called Europe Active Citizenshiip (2016-1-ES01-KA219-025186_1) which have been rated with 94 points over 100 by SEPIE and the eTwinning projects carried out in the last two years have received several awards such as move2learn prize or European Quality Labels. In addition, our vocational training students have took part in several KA103 projects. Moreover, we participate in several school exchanges.

Our school is equipped with instruments for activities related to digital technologies: there are computer labs, laptops and digital boards. There is a language laboratories, a laboratory of physics, chemistry and biology, a conference room, a music classroom, an ICT workshop, drawing and plastic arts workshops, a gym and a canteen.

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