1ο Γενικό Λύκειο
ITALY IIS Fermi Montesarchio
The Institute of Higher Education "Enrico Fermi" is located in Montesarchio, the largest municipality in the province of Benevento, in the Campania region, in south-central Italy. Montesarchio is a town of about 16,000 inhabitants, still the most vibrant center Caudina Valley, crossed by the state Appia, hub of many businesses and entrepreneurial.
Montesarchio is a town three hundred meters above sea level, grouped around a hill dominated by the castle and the tower of medieval origin.
From school year 2010/2011, with the Reform of Secondary Schools, in our institution, are active the following fields of study: High School, High School of Applied Sciences, School of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences Economic-Social, Language High School .
The teaching is carried out from Monday to Saturday, in time morning, from 8:10 to 13:15.
The school, this school year 2018-19, has n. 855 students and no. 88 teachers including 73 with permanent contracts.
There is a percentage of 2% of foreign students, 1% of students with disabilities, and 2% of pupils with special educational needs.
By joining the project Vales our Institute has implemented the self experiencing an overall system of evaluation that aims to:
-to improve the self-assessment process
-to define a model that prefigures protocols and procedures functional to the National Evaluation System
-satisfy fully stress the European Union regarding the evaluation of the school system.
From school year 2010/2011 The Regional Education Office for Campania - Polo QUALITY 'of Naples has certified that this educational institution implements a quality management system that meets the requirements of the standard UNI-EN-ISO 9004: 2009. To this end, the educational institution:
1. Update the teachers to implement the culture of quality
2. Through questionnaires software Comet, it operates a continuous monitoring on the territory, on the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institute, on families, on the pupils attending and those released by the institute.
3. Process a manual with procedures
On January 13, 2016 School Committee approved the PTOF-three-year plan of the training, now available on the school website.
In our institute are pursuing a number of activities of consolidation and expansion of training: PON ESF projects (for students, teachers and school staff) - ERDF (modernization of structures) - recovery projects on basic skills and excellence projects ( Olympics math, Kangourou, olympics chemistry, science, philosophy, Italian, computer science) - Erasmus plus - Clil project for fifth class - projects on the legality - guidance projects in and out.
We organize conferences, lectures English language courses (for students and teachers) with the issuance of certification. Currently it has in place a Chinese course for students.
For several years, the school cooperates with the social and cultural associations of the territory, with law enforcement and with proloco.
In addition, our institute is accredited as Ei-Center CERTIPASS®, it offers the opportunity to take courses in classroom training and exams designed to achieve the European Computer Certification EIPASS;
In all classes of the institute we are studying the English language and in the language course also French, Spanish and German.
Our school is equipped with instruments for activities related to digital technologies: there are two computer labs, there is a language laboratory, a laboratory of physics, chemistry and biology, a conference room, two gyms.
All rooms are equipped with multimedia stations and LIM.
The school has a website (http://www.fermimontesarchio.gov.it/) regularly updated.
The Institute "Enrico Fermi", aware of an important resource for the inhabitants of the territory, shall endeavor to achieve the users school, in an integrated and consistent, a complete formation of the person and citizen, in a route guidance quality, effectively inserted in European culture and international, together with families and the territory.
Our institute, to meet the commitment made with the users of the territory in which it is located, the adjournment to his staff on the topic of digital technologies and how to use it.
Our school was in the Comenius project since 2008 and the Erasmus program from 2010, as not as coordinator but as a partner. It took part in the Erasmus + mobility projects for individual KA1.
Actually the school manages n. 6 erasmus+ KA219 projects partnership. We have had project that took long mobility( two mounths) activities for two students(Erasmus+ Smartmaths 2015-2017).
Each school year the school hosts foreign students graduate for a few months of training. They are hosted in families and participate in all school activities (lessons, debates, lectures, excursions, trips in the area/region).